A Low-Maintenance Summer Tidying Routine

There’s something about the warming of temperatures that inspires me to put down the vacuum and let the dust settle a little bit. When there are summer weekend plans to be made and fun getaways to be had, I simply care less about folding my fitted sheets like a pro or polishing the sink like Mrs. Clean.

Here’s how to loosen the slack a little bit, while still keeping your space in check:

1. Use the oven less. At least in my book, I’m less inclined to use the oven when it’s scorching hot outside (I make an exception when it comes to this strawberry cake). This means leaning into more raw, salad-like dishes that require less clean-up and a quicker turnaround. Happy to bid adieu to all the sheet pan scrubbing for a hot second.

2. Vacuum *once* a week. If you find yourself frequently whipping out the vacuum to hoover up the tumbleweeds and dust bunnies, this one’s for you (and me!). Step away from the vacuum and just let those bunnies hop around for a minute. Instead, take a walk in the park and maybe you’ll see a real bunny IRL. Vacuuming once a week seems like the right amount in the summer.

3. Stop washing your clothes so often. The Lululemon leggings from your 8am spin class should indeed be washed, but the silk blouse you wore to dinner once doesn’t need to be Dry-Cleaned on the spot. My hack: spritz with equal parts vodka and water. This deodorizes the garment and kills any odor-causing bacteria. Works wonders!

4. Fuss less with the pet fur. Got a kitty cat or a dog that sheds like its their job? If you’re like me, perhaps you meticulously lint roll your upholstery only to do the same song and dance three days later. Today, I’m throwing in the towel and throwing down some blankets on my white sofas. Ditto for my upholstered headboard.

5. Take a bathtub cleaning hiatus. There’s nothing quite like a steaming hot water bath on winter days, but I simply have no use for the tub in the summer (does anyone sit in cold water baths!?). For this very reason, I’m happily retiring the Bon Ami cleansing powder until tub season starts ramping up again.

6. Put down the surface cleaner. I have what some might consider a “robust relationship” with my surface cleaners (AKA equal parts vinegar and water for the initiated). Truth be told, I have a difficult time ignoring spotty mirrors and smudgy surfaces. I simply MUST tend to the spots. NOT SO in summer 2022! I’ll get to the smudges and spots on actual cleaning day.


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