The Essential Monthly Cleaning Routine

If the thought of “monthly cleaning chores” doesn’t get your heart rate going, here’s another way to look at it: what’s more thrilling than a routinely clean and efficient home? Who delights at calling Bosch customer service to repair their dishwasher or having to buy a new vacuum every two years? Certainly, not me! 

 With this in mind, here’s a quick rundown of some things to clean monthly. And listen, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t do any of these things, but I can say with certainty that these mini-tasks make a MAJOR difference in the health and happiness of your home (and yours, by extension!). 

Here are the biggies:

1. Wash your washing machine. Who knew your washing machine needed some TLC every once in a while? Soap residue, minerals and detergent chemicals build up in your washing machine over time and trap bacteria. As a result, your washing machine won’t perform as well if you don’t clean it every now and then. At the end of the month, the best thing you can do for old washy is pour 2 cups of vinegar in the detergent dispenser and run it on a hot cycle. Then add 1/2 cup baking soda to the drum and run it on a hot cycle. Easy. (And if your machine has a self-clean cycle, you can run with this one–I’ve just found the former technique to be more effective at deep-cleaning the machine). And don’t forget to wipe the inside of the gasket down with hot soapy water to remove any lingering mold or mildew. 

2. Deep clean your dishwasher. Another surprising appliance that needs attention every once in a while. Over time, grease, food debris, and soap scum can build up inside your machine and make it less efficient and more…germy. If you have access to your dishwasher filter, simply remove it and rinse away any food debris with warm soapy water. Then grab a measuring cup, fill it with 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and plunk it on the top dishwasher rack (vinegar breaks down grease while removing mold and mildew). You can even run a normal load with your dishes alongside the vinegar technique to deep-clean the dishwasher. Then just dump the vinegar out at the end of the cycle and behold the sparkling walls of your new and improved dishwasher. Voila!   

3. Clean inside your fridge. When your fridge shelves are littered with crumbs and splattered with ketchup, somehow nothing seems as appetizing. To keep the grime at bay, take everything out (including your sticky condiments) and give all surfaces of the fridge a good spritz with equal parts vinegar and water. And who knew your crisper drawer was the dirtiest area of the fridge? Don’t forget to wipe down these drawers, too! Hack: if you want to make future clean-ups easier (and avoid those lingering crumbs), simply line your drawers with a sheet or two of paper towels. 

4. Whip out the duster. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: dusting your home is magic. It’s a faintly imperceptible tweak that instantly makes your home look brighter and cleaner. Grab your duster and swipe it across your baseboards, on top of your artwork, along your TV, and on all those shelves and countertops that have been slightly neglected. This breathes new life into your space while also allowing you to breathe better. And while we’re on the topic of dust, don’t forget to wipe off dust hanging out on your HVAC vents; otherwise, you’ll just breathe in that dust. Lastly, give your place a quick vacuum to scoop up all that dust you just sent to the floor.

5. Deep clean your vacuum. Speaking of your vacuum, if yours feels like it’s just puttering around on its last legs, take a closer look at the bottom of the brush head. Remove any buildup of hair, lint or dust that’s been lingering on the brush attachment. When your vacuum brush head is clogged with this kind of stuff, it can’t go about its business removing dust and debris from your home. Check your specific vacuum’s care instructions, but don’t skimp on the vacuum! Treating it to a tune up will jolt it back to optimum performance.


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