A Simple Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring cleaning…what’s the point? Is it just the “Hallmark holiday” of cleaning and organizing, meant to boost sales of Windex and wicker baskets, or does it serve a real purpose? 

Containers and cleaning product sales aside, I would argue that it’s valuable as a healthy reminder to finally tend to those nagging little (or big) to-dos. A polite nudge to drop off that bag of clothes at the dry cleaner’s, or deposit the bag of donation items at the Goodwill. It’s a perfect chance to de-tomato sauce that stain that’s taken up permanent residence on your white carpet. 

All these tasks, once accomplished, will not only hit the refresh button on your home, but they’ll make you feel more at peace and content in your space. That’s what this whole song and dance is all about. So here are some places to start:

Fix the broken thing that’s been in need of repair far too long. Maybe it’s a leaky washing machine, a toilet that won’t flush properly, or a squeaky front door right out of a horror film. Call the plumber, get in touch with the repairman, flag the super, email the landlord. While you might not think about these things on a regular basis, your subconscious is keeping tabs on the broken stuff in your home. And every time you encounter it again, you curse yourself for not dealing with said broken thing. Bad Feng Shui. Bad energy. You and your home deserve better in 2022!

Drop off the fossilized bag of stuff that’s been sitting in your entryway since 3,000 BC. Yes, ’tis time, friend. Maybe it’s a unicorn costume you borrowed from a friend and haven’t returned since, or perhaps it’s an Amazon return that is two days away from no longer being eligible for a return. Seize the day! Clear out the entryway! Again, while you might *think* you aren’t bothered by all the bags of stuffity stuff, your subconscious would beg to differ. A clearer entryway means a clearer, refreshed mind.

Do some fridge soul-searching. Thank your fridge for storing all your bits and bobs, and then proceed to remove anything that is truly past its prime. The cheese that is now a full-blown science experiment can go. Same with that Key Lime Pie Chobani yogurt that expired in November of 2021. Now might also be a good time to part with anything that just wasn’t your vibe. The preserved lemons you bought and used exactly zero times can go to a friend or family member (guilty). Same with the feta cheese cubes marinated in truffle oil. 

Treat your closet to a little zhuzh. Before you think I’m suggesting you go for a shopping spree a la Cher from Clueless, I’m actually suggesting the exact opposite. The makeover I’m proposing is completely free, and involves you finally banishing anything from your closet that does not make you feel and look like the best version of yourself. We do not have time for blouses that look like potato sacks. Nor do we have time for baggy pantaloons that look like two potato sacks. If you haven’t already been tossing items like this into a donation bin at the bottom of your closet, now’s the time to get moving and shaking. Reach for each offending item with your hands (not just your eyes) and be honest with yourself. If you’ve been less than pleased by how the item fits or (doesn’t) flatter, it can go!

Deal with the dust. If there’s only one spring cleaning task you tend to, let it be dusting! A dusty home is a crusty home. Your lungs will thank you and so will your spring allergies. Wipe down the baseboards with a microfiber cloth. Use a wool duster to remove dust from tops of artwork and walls too! You could even run a microfiber dust mop along your walls, which significantly reduces dust around your home. For bonus points, you can wipe away dust on tops of outlets too. And most importantly, if your HVAC filter is now a literal dust trap, it’s time to swap it out for a new one.


5 Easy Things to Toss While Spring Cleaning


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