6 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Amazing

When you first enter a new home, what registers first: its smell or appearance? For me, it’s a little bit of both. I’ll first take in the entryway (flowers or succulents? tons of family photos or a lone piece of art?), and then soon after, the scent: is it good? bad? neutral? cookies?!

A fresh-smelling home is not only a must-have when hosting guests, but it’s an enduring accessory that gives your space a little brightness, a little pep in its step. And while we’re all familiar with a scented candle and a bottle of Febreze, there are other time-tested ways to keep your house smelling clean—or like nothing at all. 

Here are some ways:

1. Deodorize with bowls of vinegar. Had a recent visit from your chain-smoking Aunt Deirdre? Vinegar to the rescue! Fill a cereal-sized bowl 2/3rds full with vinegar and leave it out overnight. Vinegar is a scent neutralizer, and swiftly absorbs any lingering unpleasant odors. Decidedly un-chic, but a miracle fix nonetheless.

2. Place baking soda in your fridge and closet. I’ve always been quite sensitive to fridge smells. For me, they’re like the house version of pheromones—sometimes they’re a match, sometimes they’re not. Before we veer too far into fridge pheromone territory, might I suggest a box of baking soda to deodorize it. Swap it out every several months to keep the fridge smelling fresh and clean. And if your front hall or clothing closets have a habit of smelling musty, toss a box in there too.

3. Crack open a window. The simplest solutions are often overlooked, and cracking open a window is no exception. If your home smells stale or you totally blitzed something in the oven, there’s nothing like fresh air and some cross-ventilation. Pro tip: crack open a window while washing your sheets to air out your mattress, and keep your bedroom smelling fresh.

4. Diffuse the situation. If you want to keep the home scent party going 24/7, swap out the Yankee candle with a reed diffuser. A reed diffuser’s fragrance is released slowly, evaporating from the reeds overtime. They last anywhere from three to six months, and you can eke out a month or two more by flipping the sticks to increase the scent. My diffuser of choice: this unbeatably chic one by Cire Trudon.

5. Use an air purifier. Mildly allergic to your boyfriend’s cat? Or just want to keep your air smelling fresh and clean? Investing in an air purifier will make a world of difference. I like this one in particular, as it has an essential oil tray for a nice little fragrance boost.

6. Treat yourself to a bouquet of flowers. This tip has found its way into many a blog post, and I’ll mention it so long as there are flowers on this planet. A bouquet of flowers not only floods your space with the most uplifting natural scent, but it’s also an easy way to accessorize your home. When the flowers are on their way out, place the remaining two or three vibrant ones in a small jar in the bathroom. Ta-da!


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